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News about driving schools and road safety

On our blog you'll find news and information about traffic, road safety, what's new in driving schools and all the issues related to driving. Through this blog we aim to give useful information to get a driver's license, and all the news related to the world of the engine.

Intensive course in Alicante. Theoretical in 1 week

Do you need the driving license and don't have time to go to driving school? If you want to pass the theoretical of your permission to B quickly and with a guarantee, in driving school Aula4 we propose that you do in less than 1 week with our intensive course. A course focused for those dynamic people

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los mejores trucos para saber cómo aparcar un coche

How to park a car step by step

Know how to park a car is one of the things that tend to resist both to the students that learn to drive as to more experienced drivers. It is not for less. This is a section of the movement that will test your skill at the wheel during

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Policía poniendo una multa a conductor.

8 rules to avoid penalties at the wheel

Very good dear reader!... In a previous article I already put in a history of what are the traffic tickets are more frequent in our country, do you remember?, well, today we will talk about the right way to carry cargo within our tourism among other issues that may be the cause of be

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Consejos para elegir autoescuela

Choose a driving school, where do you start?

Sure, if you just finished your studies, you're looking forward to starting work very soon. To do this, it is necessary, in many cases, having a driver's license. Your own freedom starts at the wheel. Not only to be able to navigate to any job, but to go wherever you want

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Aprobar a la primera con todas las garantías.

Approve the first driving license. Myth or reality

  To pass to the first has become a difficult goal to achieve for the majority of mortals. In this article I'll give you some tips to make it happen and start to enjoy your driving licence. Can we approve of the first card

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¿Qué hacer en caso de accidente de coche?

¿Qué hacer en caso de accidente de coche?

Cuando nos enfrentamos a una situación tan crítica como un accidente de coche, es crucial mantener la calma y actuar de manera ordenada y eficiente. En Aula 4, la autoescuela líder en San Vicente, Alicante, queremos que estés preparado para cualquier eventualidad en la carretera. Aquí te explicamos qué hacer

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Driving in Christmas, avoids the risk in one of the eras most dangerous

As in other moments pointers of the year, driving at Christmas time can be quite dangerous. In fact, what it is although we ourselves stay in an exemplary manner. Are dates difficult, although it does not have to just because they are people. However, what is certain is that this is so and, therefore, we must, as we always recommend, use extreme

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Tests of the DGT: Doubts that may arise with immediate answers

To efficiently drive, it takes a lot more than just knowing the theory behind the practice. The tests of the DGT are designed to ensure that every person behind the wheel has the knowledge necessary to act as drivers of copies. Today, get the driving permit is not

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Apps for bikers that you should know

Being a biker is synonymous with to feel the excitement, adventure and new experiences that the tours we offer. Therefore, if you're looking for apps for bikers, then you've come to the right place. Certainly, the last thing that we must do while we are driving is to use applications for bikers, but complementing

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Diferencias entre las señales de tráfico de prioridad

Traffic signals: the signal yield to step vs the stop sign

One of the great obstacles in the learning phase of the students of driving schools is to follow the directions of traffic signs, signals, more present in the urban area, which are largely marked the fluidity of the movement: the signal to release the

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New help from 120 euros to get a driver's license Alicante

The Youth Department of the City of Alicante has published on its website the creation of a new aid to obtaining a driving licence for the youth of the city, all with the purpose to cover a portion of the costs. Since the city Council considered essential

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New speed limits of the DGT and its sanctions in 2022

According to the Ministry of the Interior, in the year 2019 killed a total of 519 people in the developing urban Spanish. A figure prominent expected to be reduced with the incorporation of the new speed limits. And is that out on the road means complying with a set of standards that are equal

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pasar de vehículo mixto a turismo

To move from vehicle to mixed sightseeing, what can you do?

¡We are back with another article of Classroom 4! If you recently I talked about how to choose a driving school, today's post can be very interesting for those students that you have at home, a vehicle, mixed and going to "inherit" when you retrieve the card. Also for those workers who use their vehicle as a transport

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Distinctive environmental: what it is and what it is

The protection of our environment is a task that is gaining more relevance in our country and in our world. Most european governments have been willing measures dedicated exclusively to curb the environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions arising from vehicles and industries. In Spain,

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Consejos para aprobar el examen práctico de conducir

I don't get to pass the practical examination of driving, what should I do?

It is normal to fall into despair and stress owns us when you pass the road test we resist the most. We know that it is not a pleasant feeling and again fall into those errors at the wheel just by pulling

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Conoce los peligros del uso del móvil al volante

Use of mobile phones while driving: the dangers and consequences

The use of mobile phone at the wheel is one of the big mistakes when driving, and is in the top ten of fines more frequent in our country. In this article, we analyze what are its dangers and how you can affect. How does the use of the smartphone behind the wheel?

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Cap Continued in Alicante

THE IMPORTANCE OF the CAP CONTINUED we All know the importance that has to be updated in the field of transport, and especially when we are talking about the transport of persons. For that reason, in Driving school Classroom 4 we give it the importance it deserves and we offer the course in order to renew the Cap more

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Errores a la hora de conducir que deberías evitar.

5 Mistakes that you should avoid when driving

In room 4 we are dedicated to train and prepare students to face the traffic, pass the test and theoretical finally get the driving license. Our goal is to become skilled drivers and insurance, that ye may be able to desenvolveros in any situation, always respecting the rules. What happens in many cases,

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sácate el carnet de moto en Alicante con aula4

Motorbike license in Alicante: information and prices of the permissions AM, A1, A2 and

If you are thinking to get you out the bike license in Alicante, look no further because you are on the site successful. In Driving school Classroom 4 we are specialists in obtaining all of the permissions of moto. So come to Driving school Classroom 4 and get your driving licence in Alicante

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Carnet C, el necesario para conducir un camión

All you need to know about obtaining a carnet C

For reasons and possibilities of working, the card C is one of the most demanded by the public in driving schools. It is not for less, since this is the permit required to be able to drive a truck, or in more specific terms, a car of MAM (Maximum Authorised Mass)

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Conoce qué tipos de carnet de moto existen y si puedes sacártelo.

Motorbike license: know the types and advantages

Have bike has many advantages, no doubt. However, can I bring a bike?, do you there are several types? If you plan to get the bike license, you should know that, actually, there are several types of bike license in function of the characteristics of these and not all of it

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Know the types of vehicles that in Spain there are

The commercial market automotive is packed. Hundreds of different brands invade the advertisements that we see every day. Each time is coming to new brands and new types of cars looking to get a space in a market as competitive as essential. The types of cars most popular

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Safety Tips for driving with children in the car

Safety Tips for driving with children in the car it Is our responsibility as drivers to apply the best practices of driving, always we travel on a vehicle. Road safety is a priority indisputable, regardless of which make long trips or short. However, driving with children in the

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¿Cuántas veces se puede suspender el examen práctico de conducir?

¿Cuántas veces se puede suspender el examen práctico de conducir?

Bienvenido al blog de Aula 4, tu autoescuela en San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante de confianza, donde no solo nos dedicamos a que nuestros alumnos aprueben, sino también a formar conductores responsables, seguros y bien preparados para enfrentar cualquier situación en la carretera. Hoy abordaremos una pregunta frecuente entre nuestros

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The deception of the coupons of driving school

COUPONS FOR DRIVING SCHOOL. A FASHION VERY MISLEADING. Lately it seems that they are very fashion companies that offer discount coupons for all kinds of products and services. Offer some discounts outrageously poor to attract our attention, some of which reach up to 90%. They are so good that they can't be

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conoce dos de las zonas más difíciles del examen práctico de conducir

The most difficult areas of the road test driving in Alicante

The road test is the definitive test to obtain the driving licence and also, the much desired L-novel that so much illusion generated when the side is on the left side of the moon rear of your vehicle. But before you live that time as exciting as

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The students of driving schools who tested positive on a breath test

It happened in Santander ten years ago, and is one of the few cases that has come out of the public light, but professionals in the sector of road safety education ensure that they have lived through similar events. In February 2008, a student from a driving school cantabrian had an accident, in the

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multas a peatones más comunes

The fines for pedestrians who might not know that there are

Traffic fines more frequent are related to bad driving on the part of the driver. However, there are several fines to pedestrians who may not know who are, and who should know that, when you are off of the car, keep being careful. Don't tell them! Are there fines for

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supera el miedo a conducir

Remove the fear of driving, take a course of recycling

The human being is characterized from the rest of the animals in mind, and this sometimes plays tricks on us. The fears are one of the big problems that we must face as we began to be aware of the world around us, and unfortunately these

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Teacher road safety: Procedures and requirements

If you ever considered being a teacher of road safety you should know that this can take several months to complete and that you will comply with the requirements and pass certain tests. In this post we are going to explain everything you need to know to be a teacher of driving school. To be able to

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Te contamos cuáles son los criterios de calificación en el examen práctico

These are the 14 items that assess the examiners traffic

They generally have the false belief that the road test consists of an evaluation of the handling of the steering wheel, the gearbox and the knowledge of the student of the traffic laws and signs, but what is certain is that the examiner's task is far more complex. To

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Gasoline or diesel, what car should I buy?

We have to recognize it, the title of this post is incomplete. The debate between gasoline or diesel is the Barça-Madrid the driving, but (as in The League) the shortlist of candidates has been extended. It is therefore an issue that must be renewed and adapted to

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Persona dando llaves del coche.

¿Puedo conducir un coche sin estar en el seguro?

Si estás aquí es porque te has preguntado en alguna ocasión: ¿Puedo conducir un coche sin estar en el seguro?, o ¿Puedo conducir el coche de mi padre o de otra persona problemas? Estas dudas son comunes y, desde nuestra autoescuela en San Vicente, vamos a aclarar este tema, que

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Tips for driving an automatic car

Driving a car is one of the modern needs that have characterized the contemporary era. The need to move constantly this is what catapulted the standardization of the vehicles that move us in our day-to-day. At the beginning, the commercial cars used in its entirety

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Las multas de tráfico en verano más habituales

How to avoid the typical traffic tickets in the summer

The heat, the beach, the typical photos of legs that seem to sausages, the hashtags #AquíSufriendo and #SummerTime (even if you have not told nor even a paltry hello in English in your life, Hulio) by completing Instagram of postureo, the rice in the terrace and, of course, the classic, silly and essential fines

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Cómo recuperar el carnet de conducir

What to do to recover the license

The (not so) new driving licence points is, today, a headache for some. This can be removed if there are repeated violations related to road safety. In this case, to re-circulate you would need to retrieve the license. How? This

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Preguntas teóricas del examen práctico de coche.

Preguntas teóricas del examen práctico de coche

Si te estás preparando para el examen práctico de conducir, además de saber cómo aparcar, deberás asegurarte de responder correctamente a las preguntas del examen práctico de coche. En Aula4, te preparamos meticulosamente para que puedas responder con confianza y acierto a estas interrogantes. ¡Sigue leyendo para conocerlas! ¿Qué te

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Consejos para mejorar la conducción

Improve driving: 7 Tips to be a driver of the first

¡We're back with a new article on the blog of Driving school Classroom 4! It is difficult to be a good driver, because every time there are more restrictions to which the driver is subjected. If we want to improve the ride to keep our points, we must take into account many standards

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Conoce las multas de tráfico más comunes

The traffic tickets are more frequent in our country

Both drivers as those who are now taking the driving license will be interested to know what are the traffic tickets are more frequent in our country. It's funny, because many of them are related with the tips that we gave previously to improve the driving, so that you

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Mantenimiento de vehículo.

Car maintenance: what is it and how often to do it?

The time to buy a new car, it is essential to know the importance of vehicle maintenance is to extend the useful life of the same. Being a good driver does not only mean to know, to the letter all traffic rules in our country, we must also keep our

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Te contamos las ventajas y desventajas de las motos eléctricas.

Electric motorcycles: the main advantages and disadvantages

Are you eyeing electric motorcycles and thinking of getting one? If so, surely you've arrived here looking for if this type of vehicle is worth the effort. Well, we tell you what are its main advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of getting a scooter, whether it's electrical

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Driving schools: How to choose yours without dying in the attempt

Do you need to get you out the card and you're looking for driving schools? Here we will help by giving you all the information you need and to find the best driving school in the province of Alicante. Follow these tips and you will help you make an informed decision. To choose a good driving school and end up being

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Recommendations for driving on snow safely

The extreme temperatures experienced in Spain at the beginning of this year, have created a historical precedent related to the risks of driving on snow. Cities such as Madrid, Pamplona and Zaragoza have suffered snowy frigid with temperatures lower than 30 degrees celsius. However, one of the major problems arising

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What is the efficient driving, and how to master it

Despite being a relatively new concept, the efficient driving takes some time to be the route plan that will make it easy for our students to learn to take a vehicle in the best possible way. This form of lead has as main objective to respect the environment

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Descubre cómo hacer un viaje largo en coche

How to make a long trip in the car: everything you need to keep in mind

Normally we usually perform short journeys; to walk as in a car, motorcycle, bus... however, he sometimes plays to travel longer distances, either by work, or to make a road trip in which to enjoy a trip as discovering new places. For both, it is necessary to know how to

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New traffic law 2022: most important Modifications to vehicles

Under the motto: New times, new rules, the General Directorate of Traffic has made known to those most important aspects of the New Law Traffic by 2022. All of them are already applied since 21 march 2022 for the proper use of the car and the correct conduct in the

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Coolant: What it is and what it is for? and how important that is.

An experienced driver knows all the possible mechanical problems that you can face a car. The scene of terror that comes when we see some light in the dash come on, is something that no driver wants you not even your worst enemy. However, our car we

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Aprende las mejores técnicas para practicar el test de conducir

How to practice the driving test effectively

We know that you take the driving test is not the most fun in the world, but the concepts you will learn in him are more than necessary to start your internship at the wheel, so take it seriously. If you put your mind, in less than a month you'll be able to introduce yourself with many

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viajar con mascotas de forma segura

Traveling with pets: how to transport animals in the car

According to the DGT, as a driver of a vehicle must ensure both our safety and security as the rest of the occupants of our transportation. To do this, it will be essential to have the freedom of movement, a correct field of view and constant attention to our driving. In addition, we have positioned our passengers, animals and

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Te contamos todo sobre si tienes o no un día de permiso por examen de conducir.

Do I have the right to a day of permission to do the driving test?

The practical examination of driving is one of the tests that accumulates more applicants year after year, call after call. Have the card of car has become a requirement in virtually essential to adapt as it is due to the current pace of life. In fact, more than a mere convenience, have

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Luz de emergencia v16 sobre un coche.

Todo sobre la luz de emergencia v16 para el coche ¿Es obligatoria?

Las balizas para coches son un elemento de seguridad esencial en cualquier vehículo. Permiten señalizar una situación de emergencia en la carretera y alertar a otros conductores de la presencia de un vehículo detenido o en problemas. En este sentido, la luz de emergencia V16 se ha convertido en una

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Get the carnet A2 automatic Driving school Classroom 4 and discover all the advantages

If you are thinking of yourself permission to drive motorcycle large displacement, in Driving school Classroom 4 will offer a unique opportunity in all of Alicante. Take advantage of the chance to get the carnet A2 automatic at the best price. Before anything else, you should know that this type of license will be credited to

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10 new fines of the DGT that come into force

With the entry into force of the new Traffic Law there are various things which changed. So you have to take into account those potential violations that you can commit to the time to hit the road with the car. Have the mobile in hand, throwing cigarette butts out the window... all

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Equipment mandatory for the practical examination of bike 2022

If you are thinking of introducing you to the test to get the bike license, it is essential to know what is the equipment you should take the time to pass this exam. With the entry into force of the Royal Decree 971/2020 amending the General Regulation of Drivers, have been added

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Enseñar a conducir a tu hijo puede traer consecuencias.

Driving without a card: is It a crime to teach it to lead to your son?

Attention! This is a post especially focused on our students and, in general, to those who are going to pull out the card or are in it. Also for those parents that don't yet understand the gravity of what he's supposed to drive without a driving licence. There is something very important you need to know: teach

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7 tricks to reduce the fuel consumption

In order to save to the end of the month and also does not damage the environment, it is necessary to reduce the fuel consumption when driving. Some measures to consider are proper driving, reduce your speed, avoid gear changes... we show you some tricks for saving gasoline.

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huelga de examinadores el carnet de conducir

How to strike examiners affects your driving license

It has been just over a month since the strike of examiners came to an end, but despite this, its effects are still present, and there will have patience, because the consequences of this long conflict will continue being felt at least a month more. After more than 200,000

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Conoce todo sobre el nuevo plan para proteger a los ciclistas

New Plan of Government to protect cyclists

As every year, the State decided to launch many campaigns, among many other topics, with the road safety. Commonly, these are made in collaboration with the General Directorate of Traffic (or directly your responsibility falls on this), and always looking to reduce accidents on the roads. And among all the

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Emergency lights: when you should use which?

When you examine the theoretical part of the driving licence, one of the issues that most doubts generated to the future drivers is the lighting of the car and when to use each of the lights. If the lights antinieblas, emergency lights, the light of the position...

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No pierdas detalle de los errores más comunes en las practicas de conducir.

The common mistakes when you start your practical driving

It is very normal that when you get behind the wheel for the first time, the experience may not be the one you expected. Although there are some people who have conditions innate to the driving, in the majority of cases, the most normal thing is that your first practice of driving to be a complete

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motorcycle license. All you need to know to get it for free

Who has not ever thought to be the driver of motor bike and enjoy the road drawing the curves as the MotoGp riders, with the air giving you in the face, feeling the freedom it gives you to do it on a bike. It's a feeling that, each time you hit the

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Clases prácticas de conducir: trucos y consejos

Clases prácticas de conducir: trucos y consejos

Súbete al asiento del conductor porque vamos a empezar las clases prácticas de conducir. No te preocupes si sientes algunos nervios, es completamente normal, por ello, desde la autoescuela Aula 4 os traemos una serie de trucos y consejos que harán de tus clases más productivas y mucho menos estresantes.

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No conduzcas bajo los efectos del alcohol

The risks of driving under the influence of alcohol

One of the topics reviewed in the campaigns of the DGT awareness on the road is the consumption of alcohol and drugs. And it is not for less, because these cause real disasters and which one always regrets it later. Let's see what are the risks of driving under

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Cómo sacar el carnet de conducir internacional en España.

Cómo sacar el carnet de conducir internacional en España

Bienvenidos al nuevo artículo del el blog de Aula 4, la autoescuela en San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante de referencia. Hoy vamos a abordar un tema de gran interés para muchos de nuestros alumnos y seguidores: cómo obtener el carnet de conducir internacional. Si planeas conducir en el extranjero de

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Amaxofobia: how to overcome the fear of driving

Driving is one of the activities that we do in everyday life moderna. The cars have become our main means of transport and have been standardized all around the world. However, this does not mean that driving is just as pleasant for everyone. The

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Learning to drive: how to know when to change gear

The path to becoming a driver issue is complicated and full of challenges. Although this is not something easy to achieve, most people in the world must do so to comply with their transportation needs, whether to make a long trip or to move

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